A kind member from this site has assisted me in fixing a script.
This initial segment of the code allows for the categorization and separation of blog articles by tags.
Is it feasible to incorporate CSS into this section of the code, where the tags Terror, Shounen, Ação each have a distinct color?
For instance: Terror - blue, Shounen - yellow, Ação - green
The current script retrieves blogger content based on tags, but all columns share the same color. I wish to apply CSS to differentiate each one.
<div id="feed-list-container"></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var multiFeed = {
feedsUri: [
name: "Widget Title 1",
url: "https://elfenliedbrazil.blogspot.com/",
tag: "Terror"
name: "Widget Title 2",
url: "https://elfenliedbrazil.blogspot.com/",
tag: "Shounen"
name: "Widget Title 3",
url: "https://elfenliedbrazil.blogspot.com/",
tag: "Ação"
numPost: 3,
showThumbnail: true,
showSummary: true,
summaryLength: 80,
titleLength: "auto",
thumbSize: 200,
containerId: "feed-list-container",
readMore: {
text: "Read More",
endParam: "?max-results=20"
This is now the secondary part of the code.
var mf_defaults = {
feedsUri: [{
name: "JQuery Post",
url: " ",
tag: "JQuery"
}, {
name: "CSS Post",
url: "",
tag: "CSS"
}, {
name: "Blogger Widgets",
url: " ",
tag: "Widget"
numPost: 4,
showThumbnail: true,
showSummary: true,
summaryLength: 80,
titleLength: "auto",
thumbSize: 200,
thumbWidth: 200, // new setting
thumbHeight: 90, // new setting
newTabLink: false,
containerId: "feed-list-container",
listClass: "list-entries",
readMore: {
text: "More",
endParam: "?max-results=20"
autoHeight: false,
current: 0,
onLoadFeed: function(a) {},
onLoadComplete: function() {},
loadFeed: function(c) {
var d = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
a = document.getElementById(this.containerId),
b = document.createElement("script");
b.type = "text/javascript";
b.src = this.feedsUri[c].url + "/feeds/posts/summary" + (this.feedsUri[c].tag ? "/-/" + this.feedsUri[c].tag : "") + "?alt=json-in-script&max-results=" + this.numPost + "&callback=listEntries";
for(var i in mf_defaults) {
mf_defaults[i] = (typeof(multiFeed[i]) !== undefined && typeof(multiFeed[i]) !== "undefined") ? multiFeed[i] : mf_defaults[i]
function listEntries(q) {
var p = q.feed.entry,
c = mf_defaults,
h = document.getElementById(c.containerId),
a = document.createElement("div"),
d = "",
l = c.feedsUri.length,
n, k, m, g;
for(var f = 0; f < c.numPost; f++) {
if(f == p.length) {
n = (c.titleLength !== "auto") ? p[f].title.$t.substring(0, c.titleLength) + (c.titleLength < p[f].title.$t.length ? "…" : "") : p[f].title.$t;
m = ("summary" in p[f]) ? p[f].summary.$t.replace(/<br ?\/?>/g, " ").replace(/<.*?>/g, "").replace(/[<>]/g, "") : "";
m = (c.summaryLength < m.length) ? m.substring(0, c.summaryLength) + "…" : m;
g = ("media$thumbnail" in p[f]) ? '<img src="' + p[f].media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s72(\-c)?\//, "/w" + c.thumbWidth + "-h" + c.thumbHeight + "-c/") + '" style="width:' + c.thumbWidth + "px;height:" + c.thumbHeight + 'px;">' : '';
for(var e = 0, b = p[f].link.length; e < b; e++) {
k = (p[f].link[e].rel == "alternate") ? p[f].link[e].href : "#"
d += '<div class="post hentry"' + (!c.autoHeight ? ' style="height' + c.thumbHeight + 'px;overflow:hidden;"' : "") + ">";
d += (c.showThumbnail) ? g : "";
d += '<div class="post-title entry-title"><a href="' + k + '"' + (c.newTabLink ? ' target="_blank"' : "") + ">" + n + "</a></div>";
d += '<div class="summary">';
d += "<span" + (!c.showSummary ? ' style="display:none;"' : "") + ">";
d += (c.showSummary) ? m : "";
d += "</span></div>";
d += '<span style="display:block;clear:both;"></span></div>'
d += "";
d += '<div class="more-link"><a href="' + c.feedsUri[c.current].url.replace(/\/$/, "") + "/search/label/" + c.feedsUri[c.current].tag + c.readMore.endParam + '"' + (c.newTabLink ? ' target="_blank"' : "") + ">" + c.readMore.text + "</a></div>";
a.className = c.listClass;
a.innerHTML = '<div class="main-title"><h4>' + c.feedsUri[c.current].name + "</h4></div>" + d;
if((c.current + 1) < l) {
c.loadFeed(c.current + 1)
if((c.current + 1) == l) {