I've been experimenting with creating a "css3 on hover flip" effect for bootstrap thumbnails. It works perfectly fine on simple divs (check it out here)
Here's the main CSS3 code I'm using:
transform:perspective(600px) rotateY(0deg);
transition: transform .5s linear 0s;
transform:perspective(600px) rotateY(180deg);
transition: transform .5s linear 0s;
.flip3d:hover > .front{
transform:perspective(600px) rotateY(-180deg);
.flip3d:hover > .back{
transform:perspective(600px) rotateY(0deg);
However, when I try to apply the same technique to bootstrap thumbnails, the columns in the rows containing the thumbs end up overlapping (see example here).
<div class="row">
<div class="item col-sm-6 col-md-4 flip3d">
<div class="thumbnail front" id="item">
<img src="http://placehold.it/350x250"/>
<div class="caption">
<span>Front1 </span>
<p>Front1 Description</p>
</div><!-- /.thumbnail-->
<div class="back thumbnail">
Some Content
I suspect this issue arises from using absolute positioning for the .front and .back divs, which is necessary for the .front div to overlay the .back div.
Any suggestions on how to address this problem?