Application designed for use with jQuery Mobile or HTML5 technology

I'm currently working on creating an application that needs to be compatible across different platforms and should function like a native android app. While I have experience building apps using PhoneGap, I haven't been able to achieve the desired native feel. Are there any frameworks or tools available that can help me accomplish this goal? So far, I have explored:

  • JQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator,

Any suggestions, advice, or assistance would be greatly appreciated. I recently came across
and was inspired to create a Facebook-like menu with a more native look while still being HTML5 based.

Answer №1

Regrettably, there isn't a mobile web framework that perfectly replicates the look and feel of Android. However, Kendo UI offers a framework that resembles iOS.

Your best option is to utilize jQuery Mobile and select a theme that closely mimics the native Android aesthetic.

There are two options available, one for older versions and one for newer versions of Android:

  1. (Android 4 appearance)

  2. (Android 2.X look)

Additionally, jQuery Mobile 1.3 includes a sliding panel similar to the one in your link. This sliding panel is powered by jQuery Mobile.

Answer №2

I stumbled upon this gem not too long ago.

It really nails the native android theme aesthetic - it's the closest I've seen so far.

Give it a try, you might just love it!

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