My SVG includes a clipPath
with a rectangle inside it, which I want to transform into a fixed shape. However, when I try to change the height of the rectangle, it remains fixed at the top of the clipPath
or SVG. I actually want it to stay at the bottom and have the ability to change the height from bottom to top.
Here is the snippet of the SVG code:
<svg version="1.1" id="logo" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 505 162.7" style="enable-background:new 0 0 505 162.7;" xml:space="preserve" class="go">
<style type="text/css">
.fill3 {
<g id="D">
<path id="Dobrys" d="M75,111.9c-8.5,8.8-19,13.2-31.2,13.2c-12,0-22.4-4.3-30.9-12.8C4.3,103.7,0,93.4,0,81.3
c4.2,0,6.2,2.1,6.2,6.3v112.5c0,4.2-2.1,6.3-6.3,6.3c-3.2,0-5.2-1.5-5.9-4.6C75.1,119.2,75,116.4,75,111.9z M75.1,81.3
<clipPath id="Dobrys_1_">
<use xlink:href="#Dobrys" style="overflow:visible;"></use>
<rect id="D3" x="0" y="0" class="D fill3" width="90.7" data-height="125.3"></rect>
I've been trying to animate the height in a CodePen example, which you can view here:
CodePen Link
Please refrain from suggesting the use of linearGradient, as I have multiple rectangles in the design. Also, using transform: scale
won't achieve the desired effect as it will 'shrink' rather than 'cut'. Can anyone provide guidance on this issue?