Animate the background of a table cell (td) in React whenever a prop is updated

I have a dynamic table that receives data from props. I would like the background animation of each cell (td) to change every time it receives new props. I've tried creating an animation for the background to indicate when a cell is updated, but it only shows the background color the first time a cell is created. Subsequent updates do not trigger the background animation.

import React from 'react'

import { TableRow, TableCell } from '@material-ui/core/'
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  cell: {
    background: 'none',
    animation: `$bgColor 3s`,
    animationIterationCount: 1
  '@keyframes bgColor': {
    '0%': {
      background: '#aacc00'
    '100%': {
      background: 'none'

const RenderBodyTable = ({ rows, isClient, filter, dataRow }) => {
  const classes = useStyles()

  return => (
    <TableRow key={}>
      <TableCell className={classes.cell}>{}</TableCell>
      <TableCell className={classes.cell}>{}</TableCell>
      <TableCell className={classes.cell}>{row.tell}</TableCell>
      <TableCell className={classes.cell}>{row.address}</TableCell>

export default React.memo(RenderBodyTable)

Answer №1

To ensure your animation is triggered by a prop change, you will need to implement some logic to detect the change and update the styling accordingly.

As of now, your animation only activates when the page loads because this specific logic is missing.

There are multiple approaches you can take to address this issue, but it's recommended to refer to this helpful tutorial as a starting point.

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