An inclusive CSS-compatible calendar control for ASP.NET

I am currently using the Calendar control provided by .NET but I have encountered issues with how it renders HTML in certain situations. Unfortunately, this is hard-coded and cannot be changed. It seems that the Calendar control has not been updated in .NET 4.0 to address these issues. Additionally, there does not appear to be a CSS adapter available for the Calendar control.

Therefore, I am looking for a new control that allows me to:

  • Customize the content of each cell similar to OnDayRender
  • Add CSS classes to any rendered HTML
  • Disable automatic rendering of elements that cannot be turned off, excluding layout code
  • Avoid auto-postback or auto-JS behavior, as I prefer manual control over links or custom JS calls

In essence, I need a simple calendar view control that provides complete control over rendering. Do you have any recommendations?

Answer №1

After searching in vain, I decided to create my own solution:

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