The time allowed for the menu items to reveal their subitems may be delayed

I am facing an issue with my website where the menu items are displayed horizontally and each submenu is shown when a user hovers over them. However, I have noticed that when the user tries to click on the submenu item, it disappears too quickly. Is there a way to delay the visibility of the subitems so users can easily access them?

Answer №1

Of course, utilizing CSS3 transitions/animations allows for a delay to be included in the show/hide functionality. However, the challenge lies in:

  1. The structure of your nested tags
  2. Which tags hold the :hover styles

When a user moves their mouse away from the container element, the submenu disappears once more. To keep the submenu visible, they must remain within the 'target area' of the element with associated :hover styles for child elements. (I assume you are using CSS alone for the show/hide effect.)

To provide more precise feedback, it would be helpful to see a code sample.

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