Create a row in React JS that includes both a selection option and a button without using any CSS

My dilemma involves a basic form consisting of a select element and a button. What I want to accomplish is shifting the position of the form to the right directly after the select element

Below is the code snippet that I have:

 return (
      options={scopes && => ({ value: scope.scopeId, data: scope }))}
      loading={!scopes || scopes.notLoaded}
      placeholder={'Choose existing scopes'}
      value={selectedScopes && => ({ value: _.scopeId, data: _ }))}
    <Button type="primary" disabled={isCreationVisible} onClick={() => showModal()}>

The question here lies in how can I achieve this desired positioning without the need for a separate CSS file

Answer №1

Consider using the display: flex property:

<div style={{ display: 'flex'}}>
      type="primary" disabled={isCreationVisible} onClick={() => showModal()}>

Answer №2

To resolve this issue, consider utilizing the display: flex property in your CSS.

There are various methods to incorporate your CSS within a JS file. One straightforward approach is to include your styles inline, as suggested by others. You can attempt the following:

    style={{ display: 'flex', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center'}}
      options={scopes && => ({ value: scope.scopeId, data: scope }))}
      loading={!scopes || scopes.notLoaded}
      placeholder={'Choose existing scopes'}
      value={selectedScopes && => ({ value: _.scopeId, data: _ }))}
    <Button type="primary" disabled={isCreationVisible} onClick={() => showModal()}>

Another method of incorporating CSS within JS files involves using tools like styled-components or implementing material-ui's makeStyles paradigm.

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