React: The row flex-direction is not being applied as expected

Although I know there are countless identical questions out there, mine lacks context and is as generic as they come. Why isn't the flex-direction row property working?

React View

return (
        <h1>The About us page.</h1>
        <Fragment className="container">
          <p>Other Dog</p>


    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;

Despite setting the flex-direction: row; property in the CSS, the result shows those 3 <p> tags stacked vertically. I would include a screenshot but technical difficulties prevent me from doing so. The desired outcome is to have "Cat", "Dog", and "Other dog" displayed in a single row instead of individual columns.

From all the sources I've consulted online, it seems like the CSS syntax should be correct:

Can anyone identify what might be the issue?

Answer №1

When working with the Fragment component, keep in mind that the className attribute belongs in the props object and should not be used as an actual style.

To apply a class to a group of items within a Fragment, simply wrap them in a div and assign the desired class:

  <h1>The About Us page.</h1>
    <div className="container">
      <p>Other Dog</p>

Answer №2

The issue lies in using Fragment instead of div. React.Fragment serves as a convenient way to return multiple elements from a component. However, once React.JS constructs the DOM, the fragment essentially disappears, leaving your elements without a wrapper.

For more information, visit

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