Altering the background color of an individual mat-card component in an Angular application

Here is the representation of my mat-card list in my Angular application:

<div [ngClass]="verticalResultsBarStyle">
  <div class="innerDiv">
    <mat-card [ngClass]="barStyle" *ngFor="let card of obs | async | paginate: { id: 'paginator', itemsPerPage: 10, currentPage: currentPage, totalItems: totalItems }" (click)="highlightCard()">
    <pagination-controls (pageChange)="OnPaginateChange($event)" id="paginator"></pagination-controls>

this showcases the CSS styles applied:

.verticalResultsBarContainerEnabled {

  background-color: #eeeeee;
  width: 16%;
  float: right;
  overflow: visible;


.verticalResultsBarContainerDisabled {
  display: none;

.card {

  margin-left: 10px;
  margin-right: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;


.cardHighlight {

  margin-left: 10px;
  margin-right: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  background-color: #c12400;
  color: white;

.innerDiv {
  height: 755px;
  overflow: auto;

.paginator {
  margin: auto;
  width: 92%;

provided below is a snippet of TypeScript code relevant to the issue:

highlightCard() {
    if (this.barStyle === 'card') {
      this.barStyle = 'cardHighlight';
    } else {
      this.barStyle = 'card';

I am facing an issue where clicking on a single mat card changes the color of the entire list instead of just the selected card. How can I correct this behavior?

Answer №1

Your cards need to have individual indexes for proper styling. This is a common issue. I noticed that you are using the same bar style for all your cards. Each card should have its own unique bar style when they are retrieved from the backend. To accomplish this, make changes in your .ts file:

service.subscribe(cards => {
let i = 0
cards.forEach(card => {
this.barStyle[i] = // set your default barStyle here;

If each car has an id, it's better to avoid using i. In your template:

<mat-card [ngClass]="barStyle[i]" *ngFor="let card of obs; let i = index | async | paginate: { id: 'paginator', itemsPerPage: 10, currentPage: currentPage, totalItems: totalItems }" (click)="highlightCard(i)">

You're using an async function in your template. So, in your ts file, you should expect an Observable. To update the style of each card, subscribe to your service and update the objects. Make the following changes:

cards: Observable should be changed to cards: Card[];

loadingData = true;

Call the service like this:

getData() {
this.loadingData = true;
service().subscribe(cards => {
cards.forEach(card => {
this.barStyle[] = // set your default barStyle here; = cards;
this.loadingData = false; // set to false after data is loaded

highlightCard(id: number) {
if (this.barStyle[id] === 'card') {
this.barStyle[id] = 'cardHighlight';
} else {
this.barStyle[id] = 'card';

In your template:

<mat-card ***ngIf="!loadingData"**
*ngFor="let card of obs | async | 
paginate: { id: 'paginator',
itemsPerPage: 10,
currentPage: currentPage,
totalItems: totalItems }"

Sometimes, your template may render before the data is fully loaded, so use a boolean to wait for it.

**To maintain clean code, initialize variables for pagination in your .ts file*

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