allowing absolutely positioned region to expand

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In the process of designing a website, I have implemented a sidebar featuring an accordion style vertical navigation bar. The sidebar is set to be absolutely positioned in relation to its containing element in order to remain sticky at the top, bottom, and side.

The issue arises when clicking on the products button, causing the accordion to extend beyond the container, overflowing into the footer. Floating the sidebar to the left would expand it to accommodate the entire content, but it would lose its ability to stick to the bottom of the container by default.

I am looking for a solution that allows the sidebar to remain absolutely positioned while still expanding if the accordion content grows. Any suggestions or perhaps a jQuery solution to address this problem?

Answer №1

Why is there an aversion to using float?

Can you clarify what you mean by "sticky to bottom"?


The use of absolute positioning prevents the container from expanding naturally, as the menu is no longer part of the flow. (Although JavaScript could potentially resolve this issue), but personally I fail to see any significant problem with it.

Answer №2

Even though the initial query focused on expanding an absolutely positioned section, the reality is that achieving this without javascript is impossible.

It appears that many individuals face the same dilemma: "How can you make the sidebar extend all the way down the page?"

The solution lies in utilizing Faux Columns!

Answer №3

When floated left and absolutely positioned, it will automatically expand.

Answer №4

One technique that I have found to be effective is applying the CSS rule overflow: hidden; to the containing div. By hiding the overflow, it forces the browser to display the content properly even when there are floats present. This eliminates the need for extra clearing divs.

It's worth giving this approach a shot...

Update: After experimenting further, I realize that the solution may not work for your specific website. Have you tried floating the menu and main area left, then setting the container to overflow: hidden;? That has worked for me in similar situations.

Answer №5

To implement a jQuery solution, you can use the following code within the click event listeners for the navigation links:

$('#leftbar').height( $('#leftbar')[0].scrollHeight );
$('#container').height( $('#container')[0].scrollHeight );

This code snippet resizes the sidebar and container to fit their contents. You may need to make slight adjustments based on your specific requirements.

Keep in mind that if the accordion feature does not expand the entire submenu at once, you might need to integrate this resizing functionality within the animation loop or apply it after the animation completes to address any temporary discrepancies.

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