Allow the select option to be clicked, while preventing it from automatically filling the select input field in reactstrap's Input component

I have a select with an option called "+ Create new"

When the user clicks on this option, I am displaying a modal to create a new option. However, I do not want this select option to show "+ Create new" after it is clicked.

How can I make the option "clickable" but prevent it from appearing in the select's actual input view?

Here is the component:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import { Input } from 'reactstrap'

const TestComponent = () => {

  const [upload, setUpload] = useState({
    selectHeader: []

  const [showFieldModal, setShowFieldModal] = useState(false);

  return (
                  onChange={({ target }) => {
                    if(target.value === "+ Create new") {
                    } else {
                      setUpload({...upload, selectHeader: [...upload.selectHeader, {value: target.value, index: index}]})
                   <option>First name</option>
                   <option>Last name</option>
                    <option>+ Create new</option> <!-- make this clickable but don't allow it to be shown as the select's option when clicked -->

export default TestComponent;

The code below considers the accepted answer and adds functionality for mapping over an array and rendering multiple Inputs with type="select" that do not display the "+ create new" option:

Note: the id is updated to .id={`selectHeader${index}`} and the onChange is updated to

document.getElementById(`selectHeader${index}`).value= "";

<Table responsive bordered striped hover>
  , index) => (
                <th className="bg-primary pr-1 pl-1 pt-2 pb-2 overflow-hidden" scope="col" key={index}>
                  onChange={({ target }) => {
                    if(target.value === "+ Create new") {
                      document.getElementById(`selectHeader${index}`).value= "";
                    } else {
                      setUpload({...upload, selectHeader: [...upload.selectHeader, {value: target.value, index: index}]})
                   <option>First name</option>
                   <option>Last name</option>
                 {, index) => (
                   <option key={index} >{field.title}</option> 
                    <option>+ Create new</option>
        upload.contacts.slice(0, 10).map((customer, index) => (
          <TableRow data={customer} key={index}/>

Answer №1

One possible solution is to clear the select value after selecting an option. You can try implementing this approach:

onChange={({ target }) => {
     if(target.value === "+ Add new") {
        document.getElementById('selectHeader').value= " " ;
     } else {
        setUpload({...upload, selectHeader: [...upload.selectHeader, {value: 
        target.value, index: index}]})

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