Text area featuring unique border design, with border color change upon focus?

Currently, I have a text area with borders that are designed in a unique way. However, I am looking to change the border color when the user focuses on the text area.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this effect without affecting the current design?

Answer №1

To achieve this effect with images, you can follow a similar approach to what you would do for non-image elements:

.profilePic {
    background-image: url('frame.jpg');

.profilePic:hover, .profilePic:focus {
    background-image: url('frame-highlight.jpg');

Of course, your image frames may be more intricate than this example, but the basic idea remains the same. Even if you have nested elements, the technique should still apply. If you encounter any challenges, feel free to share your code, and I will offer my assistance.

Answer №2

Here is a clever workaround using only CSS that focuses on the focus event (unfortunately, :focus pseudoclass does not work in IE<=8)

Just tested this on Firefox. It may need some adjustments and extra styles for webkit browsers, but it serves as a good starting point. Personally, I find using a background solution much simpler considering the amount of CSS and element positioning tricks needed.

Here are the relevant HTML and CSS snippets:

    <label>insert text here</label>

fieldset { 
   position: relative; /* Rest of the properties */   

label {
   position : absolute; /* Rest of the properties */

textarea {
   position : relative; /* Rest of the properties */   

label:before {
  content   : ""; /* Rest of the properties */

label:after {
  content   : ""; /* Rest of the properties */

textarea:focus + label:before {
   border-color : red; /* Changing border color when focused */

Answer №3

An effective method using only CSS: Place the textarea within a div, and then add another div after the textarea to achieve the desired border shape.


Here is the HTML code:

<div class='content'><textarea></textarea><div class='borders'></div></div>

This is the CSS code:

.content { display: inline-block; position: relative; }
textarea {
    width: 18em;
    border: solid 1px;
.borders {
    position: absolute;
    top: -.3em; left: 1.8em;
    width: 0.9em;
    height: 0.9em;
    border-top: solid 1px;
    border-left: solid 1px;
    transform: rotate(45deg);
    background: white;
textarea:focus, textarea:hover, textarea:focus + .borders, textarea:hover + .borders {
    border-color: blue;
    outline: none;

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