Alignment of menu blocks

I'm struggling to line up all the menu items at the bottom - products, activity feed, and learn store should be on the same row, with test below products. Currently, products is being pushed up and text is aligning to the right of it.

Despite trying different displays such as blocks and using text-align, I can't seem to get it right.

Is there a way to make a child menu align with its parent items?

Visit for more information.

<ul class="menu">
    <li class="first leaf">
        <li class="leaf">
            <li class="last expanded">
                <a title="" href="">Products</a>
                <ul class="menu">
                    <li class="first last leaf">
                        <a title="" href="">test</a>

Answer №1

To ensure that the <li> elements are aligned to the top, simply add vertical-align: top; to their CSS styling while ensuring they have the property display: inline-block;.

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