Alignment of images at the center within a container div while maintaining a height of 100%

Apologies if this question has already been addressed - I have tried numerous methods to center images horizontally without success. This particular image just does not want to align in the center!

For reference, here is the JSFiddle link

HTML: (Please note that the images used are taken from Google as examples)

When loading, each image receives either "height:100%;" or "width:100%;" based on whether the height to width ratio falls within or outside of the 4:3 ratio in landscape orientation.

This setup ensures that the image completely fills the containing div regardless of its size and shape.

<div class="imgOuter">
    <div class="imgInner">
        <img src="" style="height: 100%;">
<div class="imgOuter">
    <div class="imgInner">
        <img src="" style="width: 100%;">


The main outer div is designed to maintain a fixed aspect ratio of 4:3 The inner div adds an internal border to the outer div which must retain its specific dimensions.

    float: left;
    position: relative;
    width: 33.3333%;
    padding-bottom: 25%;
    border:2px solid #444;

.imgInner: I have experimented with text-align:center; also tested sizing with height and width @ 100%...

In the attached fiddle, you will notice that the second image, in portrait orientation, aligns perfectly centered vertically as expected.

Moreover, when using a landscape image and setting the width to 100% instead of the height, it centers vertically flawlessly, resulting in white space above and below if its ratio is wider than 4:3.

Only when the height is set to 100% does the image default to left alignment, seemingly disregarding the left and right positioning.

My suspicion lies in the fact that the div.imgOuter lacks a defined height, only having a padding value. If that indeed is the issue, I am faced with the challenge of resolving both scaling aspect ratios and center alignment :(

Do you have any suggestions?

Answer №1

It seems that achieving both horizontal and vertical centering using only CSS is quite challenging, especially when dealing with negative margins in relation to the parent container's size. However, a JavaScript solution can do the trick.

If you're interested, here's a helpful JSFiddle example:

To position an element in the exact middle based on its top-left corner, apply percentages to the left and top properties like so:

div.imgInner>img {

Next, use jQuery to calculate and adjust the image's position by determining the dimensions and applying half of them as margins:

$('.imgInner > img').each(function (i) {
    var imgWidth = ((0 - parseInt($(this).css('width'))) / 2);
    var imgHeight = ((0 - parseInt($(this).css('height'))) / 2);

    $(this).css('margin-top', imgHeight);
    $(this).css('margin-left', imgWidth);

Answer №2

Take a look to see if this addresses your inquiry.

If necessary, you can swap the resizing method from background-size:100% auto; to background-size:auto 100%;.

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