What is the process for displaying or hiding a large image when clicking on thumbnail images?

How can I toggle the display of a large image by clicking on thumbnails?

This is what I am looking for:

Check out this JSFiddle version http://jsfiddle.net/jitendravyas/Qhdaz/

If not possible with just CSS, then a jQuery solution is acceptable.

Is it okay to use <a href="#"> even if no new page will open in the same or new tab?


I also need it to work on iPads

Answer №1

Check out this demonstration:

Avoid preloading


<div id="big-image">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports/1/">

<div class="small-images">
    <a href="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports/1/"><img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/50/sports/1/"></a>
<a href="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/fashion/1/" class=""><img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/50/fashion/1/"></a>
<a href="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/city/1/"><img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/50/city/1/"></a>

Javascript (jQuery)

    $(".small-images a").click(function(e){
        var href = $(this).attr("href");
        $("#big-image img").attr("src", href);
        return false;

At the moment, there is only 1 large image; when an A element is clicked, its href attribute is copied as the SRC of the large image.

Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Qhdaz/1/

If you want to achieve this without additional DOM manipulation, you can include 3 big images and load them directly. The previous method does not preload the images, but the following function will.

With preloading


<div id="big-image">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports/1/">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/fashion/1/">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/city/1/">

<div class="small-images">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/50/sports/1/">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/50/fashion/1/">
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/50/city/1/">


    $("#big-image img:eq(0)").nextAll().hide();
    $(".small-images img").click(function(e){
        var index = $(this).index();
        $("#big-image img").eq(index).show().siblings().hide();


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