Aligned sections within a Susy layout

Although Susy is a powerful tool, I have noticed a potential weakness with it. For example, imagine having three floated block elements within a container named "blocks":

The "block" element is assigned a "span(4 of 12)"

<div class="blocks">
    <div class="block">
        //img and text
    <div class="block">
        //img and text
    <div class="block">
        //img and text

When I increase the window size, the content inside the blocks becomes too large for my preference, so I add a max-width to the "blocks" element. However, upon reaching the max-width, I realize that the blocks are now too close together... Adding a max-width to the "block" elements then disrupts the float layout, resulting in uneven spacing between the second and third elements.

I have found that implementing "text-align: justify" on the "blocks" container and using "display: inline-block" for the "block" elements creates a desirable layout. This approach allows the block elements to stop growing at a certain point (when the "blocks" max-width is reached), while the space between them continues to expand (justified content).

This layout method has proven to be effective and valuable. With the positive feedback on inline-block layouts and Susy from various sources, I am curious about the limitations of utilizing Susy for such a layout.

Answer №1

Although Susy doesn't provide shortcuts for creating inline-block layouts due to white-space issues, its true strength lies in the ability to customize layouts using the functions it offers. For example:

.block {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: gutter(of 12);
  max-width: 14em; // adjust as needed
  width: span(4 of 12);

A similar approach can be taken with flexbox, which is considered more powerful than inline-block and offers the space-between option, eliminating the need for explicit gutters or overrides.

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