What is the relationship between three.js transforms and CSS3 3D-transforms?

I am developing a unique open-source tool for exploring and visualizing the complexities of human anatomy.

At the center of this tool is a dynamic 'chessboard' that occupies the majority of the screen. As you drag the board, various CSS3 3D-transforms take place. Additionally, a 3D object (such as a head) hovers over the board, rendered using three.js.

The synchronization between the transformation of the 3D object and the chessboard is not yet perfect and requires manual adjustments.

I am curious about how the 'CSS 3D world' aligns with the 'three.js/WebGL 3D world.' Where does the 'camera' exist in the CSS realm? Is there a method to achieve proper synchronization between the two worlds? Alternatively, are there any libraries available to facilitate this process?

Answer №1

They definitely sync up. Give it a shot by tinkering with .

By utilizing both a CSS3DObject and a PlaneGeometry, you can ensure they align flawlessly, as long as the same camera is utilized for rendering both.

var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(100, 100);
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );

mesh.position.copy( object.position );
mesh.rotation.copy( object.rotation );
mesh.scale.copy( object.scale );

scene.add( mesh );

Actually, here's a neat little demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/L9cUN/

three.js r.66

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