Align the content in the center vertically unless it is bigger

Currently, I am working on a small project involving a responsive website that utilizes the Skeleton responsive grid. To ensure that the content is centered vertically in the viewport, I am using jQuery.

   left: ($(window).width() 
     - $('.container').outerWidth())/2,
   top: ($(window).height() 
     - $('.container').outerHeight())/2
 // To initially run the function:

However, I have encountered an issue where if the viewport size is smaller than the outer width of the container, it still applies absolute positioning.

My objective is to only apply absolute positioning to center the content in the viewport when the viewport is larger than the container's outer width. Is there a way to achieve this functionality with jQuery?

EDIT >>>>>

I am considering the following approach, but I am not entirely sure if it is correct:

$(window).width();   // returns width of browser viewport
 $(document).width(); // returns width of HTML document

$(window).height();   // returns heightof browser viewport
$(document).height(); // returns height of HTML document

var width = $(window).width(); 
var height = $(window).height(); 

   if ((width >= 1024  ) && (height>=768)) {
  left: ($(window).width() 
 - $('.container').outerWidth())/2,
 top: ($(window).height() 
 - $('.container').outerHeight())/2
 // To initially run the function:
else {
//do nothing

Answer №1

To accurately determine the width of the browser viewport, you can use the following JavaScript code snippets:

$(window).width(); // provides the width of the browser viewport
$(document).width(); // retrieves the width of the HTML document
. These functions can be combined with $('.container').width().

To apply formatting based on width comparison, use the conditional statement:

if (compareWidth) {applyFormatting}

Answer №2

          // Check window size and adjust container positioning accordingly:
          if(($(window).width() > $('.container').outerWidth()) && ($(window).height() > $('.container').outerHeight()) ){
                  left: ($(window).width() 
                     - $('.container').outerWidth())/2,
                  top: ($(window).height() 
                     - $('.container').outerHeight())/2

     // Run the function on window resize:

Explanation: When the container's width and height are smaller than the window viewport, it will be positioned absolutely. Otherwise, it will use normal relative positioning.

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