Align a component vertically in a FlexBox using Material UI

I have a React app where I created a card with specified min width and height, containing only a header. I want to add flexbox that occupies the entire left space with justify-content="center" and align-items="center". This way, when I insert a circular progress element, it will be at the center of the card. However, no matter what I try, the flexbox's height matches the loading spinner's height and doesn't take up the full space. How can I resolve this issue? My Component:

   function AccountSettings({isLoading, id, username, isDisable}) {
        const classes = useStyles();

        return (

My style:

import {makeStyles} from "@material-ui/styles";

export default makeStyles(theme => ({
    root: {
        maxWidth: "1000px"
    pageTitle: {
        padding: "5px"
    accountSettings: {
        minWidth: "312px",
        minHeight: "273px",

Here is my main view:

<div className={classes.root}>

This image illustrates my problem:

Answer №1

Check out this solution

Include the following styles:

accountSettings: {
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: 'column'
box: {
  flexGrow: 1

Then, assign the class to the Box element:


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