Adjusting the style attributes for Material-UI Icons

I could use some assistance with changing the CSS property of MUI icons in order to assign a specific color when the icon is focused. I have implemented the icons in the header and am displaying different pages below them, so I would like to give each active page a unique color when it is focused. Here's the code snippet I'm currently working with:

<PeopleOutlineIcon onClick={()=>navigate('/dashboard/candidates')}
                  fontSize: 40,
                  cursor: "pointer",
                  "& :focus": {color:"blue"}

Answer №1

Check out this codesandbox for some helpful tips.

To make it work on focus, you'll want to use the 'IconButton' component from MUI and apply styles within the IconButton itself.

Keep an eye out for the '&.Mui-focusVisible' property - that's the key to getting everything to come together.

Answer №2

To access pseudo-classes of the MUI icon, there is no need to include &. The :focus pseudo-class is typically used for <input/> elements, whereas :hover and :active are more suitable for your needs. You can implement these classes like this:

<PeopleOutlineIcon onClick={()=>navigate('/dashboard/candidates')}
        fontSize: 40,
        cursor: "pointer",
        ":active": {color:"blue"},
        ":hover": {color:"blue"},

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