Error message in JS and HTML is totally bizarre

My expertise in JavaScript is very limited, so the terms I use might not be entirely accurate. However, I'll do my best to explain the issue at hand.

I'm facing a peculiar problem... I've been attempting to modify someone else's JS script because there's no point in creating my own if they already have most of the features I need. The issue lies near the end of the JS script embedded directly into the HTML, specifically with the parts that connect the script to IDs in the HTML code, like "document.getElementById("playerAdmin").innerHTML = playerAdmin;". It appears quite messy there compared to the rest, as I've had to continuously tweak it due to the fact that things only seem to work randomly. So, I find myself reordering these sections frequently. For instance:

        document.getElementById("playerID").innerHTML = playerID;
    document.getElementById("playerWanted").innerHTML = wanted;
    document.getElementById("playerBankMoney").innerHTML = bank;

At times, I may need to change the order like this:

document.getElementById("playerWanted").innerHTML = wanted;
    document.getElementById("playerBankMoney").innerHTML = bank;
document.getElementById("playerID").innerHTML = playerID;

This adjustment becomes necessary when one of the IDs stops working - though nothing in the code indicates why this occurs, and it seems quite random to me. In general, whatever code follows the 'broken piece' (which again, is chosen arbitrarily) ceases to function.

Please Note: This text was rewritten using artificial intelligence software and does not contain any personal opinions or views. It is based on the structure and content of the original text provided.

Answer №1

It appears that this code is being executed before the DOM has fully loaded:

  dataType: 'json',
  url: request,
  data: data,
  success: success,
  error: error

This could be causing the random errors you are experiencing.

You might want to consider restructuring your code like this:

function ajaxLoad(){
         dataType: 'json',
         url: request,
         data: data,
         success: success,
         error: error
window.onload = ajaxLoad;

It is also recommended to place any JavaScript (either code or external files) at the end of the document for best practices.

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