Display or conceal a field based on the content of another field using jQuery

Is there a way to hide or show a field on my website based on the value in the shopping cart? I've created a function for this, but I'm struggling with the condition. Can you help me figure out how to write it correctly?

  $(document).ready(function() {
    function updateTextFieldVisibility() {
      var textField = $('#grid-2');

      if ($('#grid-12-12-12').val() > 0) {
      } else {


Answer №1

Can you tell if $('#grid-12-12-12') is an HTML Element? You can verify its value by using either .text() or the innerText property.

Another option to consider is utilizing a "MutationObserver" for detecting changes on elements in real-time instead of relying on setInterval method.

Check out this example:

function isElementEmpty(element) {
  return +element.innerText

// Selecting the target element
const targetElement = document.getElementById('grid-12-12');

// Creating a Mutation Observer instance
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
  mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
    if (isElementEmpty(targetElement)) {
      // Hide the specified element
      // ...
    } else {
      // Display the specified element
      // ...

// Begin observing the target element
observer.observe(targetElement, {
  childList: true

// To stop observing the element when necessary
// observer.disconnect();

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