Adjusting the size of the background image without altering the background color

I am looking to create a background with a gradient color and an overlay background image. The image is simply a transparent icon, but I need to adjust its size without altering the overall background dimensions.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

 .bg {
 background:url( no-repeat, linear-gradient(#1cd0d0 10%, #79dcc5 80%, #3bbdb18c 100%); 
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-position: center; 
<div class="bg">

Answer №1

When defining your background:, it's important to note that you have two backgrounds set up. To apply the background-size property to the first background, it should be written as position/scale:

.bg {
 url( no-repeat center/30%,
 linear-gradient(#1cd0d0 10%, #79dcc5 80%, #3bbdb18c 100%);
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-position: center;
<div class="bg">

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