Adjusting the height of a table column to accommodate lengthy text without disrupting the layout of adjacent columns

I am encountering an issue while creating an invoice using an HTML table. The problem arises when the customer address value is too long, causing the sold by column to shift downwards. I need a way to break the customer address value when it reaches the maximum width without impacting the sold by column. You can view a live demo of my code here.

Can someone please assist me in resolving this dilemma?

Thank you! :)

HTML Code:

<table width="100%" id="info"  align="center">
<td class="item-left">Invoice# </td><td width="35%">: INV-PC-2012-000001</td>
<td class="">Date</td><td>: 2012-08-30</td>

<td class="item-left">Customer Name</td><td>: Charlie Sheen</td>
<td class="">Time</td><td>: 6:46:49 PM</td>

 <td class="item-left">Customer Address</td><td class="customer_addr">:Long Address Long Address Long Address Long Address Long Address</td>
<td class="">Sold By</td><td>: John Cryer</td>

CSS Code:

body {font-size:75%;color:#222; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  }
#info { clear: both; width: 100%; margin: 30px 0 0 0; table-layout: fixed;border-collapse: collapse; }
#info table { }
#info td{ padding-top: .3em;padding-bottom: .3em;}
#info td.item-left { width: 150px; }​

Answer №1

If I am understanding your concern correctly, it is about the vertical position of the text changing and not the actual height of the column. If that is the case, you can try the following solution:

#info td{ padding-top: .3em;padding-bottom: .3em;vertical-align:top;}

Check out this Fiddle for a demonstration.

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