Adjusting the Direction of Flex Components

As someone who is new to css and html design, I recently started using flex in my bootstrap designs. My goal was to have the components sorted from left to right direction, similar to how it's done on this site.

Now, I am looking to shrink the slider to the right side and place another component on the left side. I attempted to achieve this by removing a line under #GrandCarousel. {
    /* left: -396.5px; */

Can anyone guide me on how to implement this particular feature?

Answer №1

Build two div elements within the #GrandCarousel container and name them left-section and right-section. Set their width to 50%;. Transfer all existing content from #GrandCarousel into the right-section. You may encounter alignment issues with images in the slider after this change, which will require adjustment based on your desired appearance. See the example HTML and CSS code below for a better understanding.


 <div id="GrandCarousel" class="banner-container">
    <div class="left-section">

         // Content for the left section

    <div class="right=section">
        // Move GrandCarousel contents here


 .banner-container {
     display: flex;

 .right-section {
     width: 50vw;

 .right-section {
     position: relative; // Contain all carousel contents within the right-section

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