Adjust various text lengths to fit web browser content

I am using a web browser within my Windows Form. I am populating it with text each time, with almost the same text size in each loop.

The size of my web browser is fixed, and I want to automatically adjust the text content to fit the browser. For example, if the text size is larger than the web browser content, some algorithm should resize it to fit without showing scroll bars. Essentially, an algorithm that adjusts the CSS for the content based on the web browser size.

Is it possible to achieve this? Perhaps by changing the text size dynamically for the best fit or through another method?

Answer №1

One way to ensure your text fits the window is by wrapping it inside a DIV tag.

If you don't want a horizontal scroll bar, please confirm. If it's the vertical scroll bar you're trying to avoid, just let me know.

Alternatively, if you need more control over the text placement in various areas, adjust the WIDTH attribute in the BODY tag to make sure it's slightly smaller than the WebBrowser control width (e.g., set it to 590 if the control width is 600).

If you have access to the HTML page, add <BODY WIDTH="590"> to implement this change.

Feel free to update me on your progress or provide more details for better assistance.


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