Adjust the vertical positioning according to the percentage of the width

Currently, I am attempting to modify the position of my navigation bar on the screen in relation to the screen width rather than the height. I previously attempted using top: 10% in CSS, but realized this is based on the screen's height instead of its width.

Does anyone know if it's possible to achieve a positioning rule like top: .1 * width? Thanks!

Answer №1

It's often forgotten that the vertical margin percentages of elements are based on their containing block's width, not just the horizontal ones.

This means that if you define margin-top:10%;, it will create a top margin equal to 10% of its containing block's width.

You can easily observe this phenomenon in action on this jsFiddle. Experiment with resizing the output panel vertically and horizontally, and take note of how the inner block moves up and down.

If your browser supports it, consider utilizing vw and vh. However, if these units are unavailable, there's no need to jump straight into Javascript. Many rush to use Javascript without considering potential issues (such as browser resizing). Sometimes, a clever application of CSS can resolve the issue at hand without complicating matters further.

Answer №2

Initially, I thought there was no way to achieve this, but it turns out that CSS3 has offered a solution since 2011 with the introduction of vw/vh units. These units allow sizes to be relative to the viewport. For instance:

img { height: 95vw; }

This code snippet would set the height of images to 95% of the viewport width. Interestingly, only IE9 had support for this feature back when this information was first shared.

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