Replace the icon in Material UI Stepper for steps that have errors

I am utilizing Material UI's Stepper component to display a checklist in this manner. The image below is from their documentation.

While attempting to add an error state to the checklist, I discovered a prop called error for the StepLabel that allows me to specify it. This prop enables the customization of styles such as background color, etc.

However, upon setting the error prop to true, a new icon appeared. I do not wish to have this icon but instead just want to change the fill color from blue to red.

Is there a way to avoid displaying that icon and only focus on changing the fill color of the stepper?

Here is the code snippet:

<Stepper alternativeLabel activeStep={this.determineFormStep()} connector={<StepConnector />} className={classes.stepper}>
          {, index) => {
            return (
              <Step key={label}>
                    classes: {
                      root: classes.step,
                      completed: classes.completed,
                      error: classes.error,
                      disabled: classes.disabled
                    <span className={classes.sublabel}>

Answer ā„–1

Apply a condition to the icon props in StepLabel.

icon={error ? <Error /> : label.step}
as shown below šŸ‘‡

When using Stepper with alternative labels, set the active step to {this.determineFormStep()} and use a connector component as shown: <StepConnector />. Add custom styling by specifying a className for the stepper:
<Stepper alternativeLabel activeStep={this.determineFormStep()} connector={<StepConnector />} className={classes.stepper}>
          {, index) => {
            return (
              <Step key={label}>
                  icon={error ? <Error /> : label.step}
                    classes: {
                      root: classes.step,
                      completed: classes.completed,
                      error: classes.error,
                      disabled: classes.disabled
                  <div className={classes.stepLabelRoot}>
                    <Typography className={classes.label}>
                    <span className={classes.sublabel}>
                    <span className={classes.sublabel}>
                    <span className={classes.sublabel}>

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