Adjust the size of an image based on the smaller dimension utilizing CSS

Allowing users to upload images that are displayed in a square container in the UI presents challenges. The uploaded images can vary in size, aspect ratio, and orientation, but they should always fill the container and be centered.

To address this issue, I aim to style the images so that the smaller dimension is set to a specified size while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

If I want all images to have a resulting dimension of 50px (for the smaller side), the conversions would be as follows:

  • Portrait image: 100px(w) x 200px(h) => result: 50x100
  • Landscape image: 200px(w) x 100px(h) => result: 100x50
  • Square image: 100px(w) x 100px(h) => result: 50x50

I require the images to be at least 50px in either dimension. By using max-width and max-height properties, the images will resize to at most 50px...

Criteria for the original approach

  1. CSS only should be used
  2. The images must be IMG tags and should not be placed as backgrounds
  3. Avoid using Javascript

While experimenting with max-dimension styles, I found that controlling both dimensions simultaneously was challenging. I am seeking a solution that addresses this limitation.

Considerations for an alternative approach

The requirements of the original solution may prove too restrictive. In such cases, utilizing CSS backgrounds as outlined in this question could be considered. However, my challenge lies in dynamically defining the images at runtime when users select them, requiring inline styles which I prefer to avoid.

Answer №1

Solution Implemented

Regrettably, it is not feasible to adjust the size of images directly using only CSS. Specifically, this limitation applies to the IMG elements. However, the feature is supported for background images of elements. Given that IMG elements are no exception in this scenario, backgrounds can be set on them as well. I chose to display a transparent image and apply a background to achieve the desired effect.

Here is the approach I adopted:

img {
    height: 50px;
    width: 50px;
    background-size: cover;
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

I am utilizing inline CSS to programmatically define the background image. The images are fetched from the local file system using FileAPI, and I am incorporating data URIs to set them as backgrounds.

Success achieved...

Answer №2

Check out this CSS code for styling image tags:

 max-width: 100px;
 max-height: 100px;

With this code, you can achieve both Portrait and Landscape images while maintaining their aspect ratio. Only Square images will be constrained to 100x100 dimensions. Here is a fiddle link for reference.

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