Adjust the paragraph font size within the bootstrap stylesheet

We currently utilize the bootstrap v2 CSS and are interested in globally increasing the font size by a point or two. I am wondering if this adjustment is a straightforward modification within the CSS file or if it requires a more complex approach.

After attempting to navigate the CSS code myself, I found it quite intricate and I fear making unintended changes that could cause other issues. Is there anyone willing to assist with implementing this font size adjustment?

Answer №1

Simply insert the following code into your HTML file:

<style type="text/css>
p {
   font-size: 16px;

If this does not yield the desired outcome, try using font-size: 16px !important; instead.

By using !important, you are indicating to the browser that your CSS takes precedence over Bootstrap's and should be utilized instead.

Ensure that your CSS file or snippet (as shown above) is included after the Bootstrap CSS reference.

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