Adjust the height based on the size of another div when the window is resized

Two divs are positioned next to each other with a width of 50% each. One of the divs contains more text, causing it to be longer than the other div. A javascript function adjusts the height of the shorter div to match the height of the longer div, ensuring they both appear the same height.

Issue: After resizing the window to a smaller size (tablet size) both divs adjust their height accordingly. However, when the window is returned to its normal size, the div heights remain the same as after the resize and do not revert to their original state.

JavaScript code for handling window resize:

$(document).ready(function() {
function adjustHeight() {
var leftHeight = $('.leftblock').height();
var rightHeight = $('.rightblock').height();
if (leftHeight > rightHeight){ 
  $('.rightblock').css('height', leftHeight); 
} else {
  $('.leftblock').css('height', rightHeight); 


Answer №1

Contributed by Erwin van Ekeren:
The optimal solution for the issue is functioning without the use of JavaScript, but by utilizing CSS table-cells:

Avoid utilizing JavaScript and opt for CSS instead. You can choose either the FlexBox model or table-cells;

Here is an example with the table-cell approach :

.blocks { display:table-row;}
.leftblock          { display:table-cell; width:50%; padding:100px 0 100px 0; margin:0; background:#e14f47; }
.rightblock         { display:table-cell; width:50%; padding:100px 0 100px 0; margin:0; background:#cd2c24; }

Visual demonstration using table-cell

.blocks { display:flex; width:100%; align-items:stretch;}
.leftblock          { flex-grow:1; padding:100px 0 100px 0; margin:0; background:#e14f47; }
.rightblock         { flex-grow:1; padding:100px 0 100px 0; margin:0; background:#cd2c24; }

Visual demonstration using flexbox

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