Adjust the font size within a container using HTML code, no CSS required

Is it possible to directly change the TextSize and TextColor within the HTML Document? I need it to be within this specific box (same class) because of the background color. However, the text size always remains the same.

The HTML line is:

Which button reacts faster?

View image of HTML element

I acknowledge that there may be a simple solution to this, but I am struggling to find it.

Answer №1

Although you can't directly set the font-size in HTML, you can easily manipulate any style property using CSS within an HTML document:

Simply place your CSS rules inside a style element in the head section (it's best practice to use classes or ids).

    .box {
      font-size: 32px;
  <div class="box">
    <!-- content -->

Alternatively, you can apply styles directly to an element by adding a style="" attribute to its opening tag.

<div style="font-size: 32px;">
  <!-- content -->

In this demonstration, I've used a div as an example, but you can customize the font size of any element to any value and unit measurement you desire.

Answer №2

Simplicius provided a helpful answer.

The solution closest to your initial query is no longer supported in html5

Although it still functions, proceed with caution.

<font size=2 color=red face=Arial>
    insert your text here

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