Adjust the DIV dimensions to fit the background image perfectly

My question involves a DIV element with a specific style applied to it.

.vplayer-container .logo
 position: absolute;
 bottom: 50px;
 right: 10px;
 background: url(../img/logo.png) no-repeat;
 border: 1px solid #000000;
 max-width: 50px;
 max-height: 50px;

I am looking for a way to make the size of the DIV match the background image automatically, as the background image may change. I would prefer a CSS solution over using JavaScript for this purpose.

The target browsers are HTML5 compatible, including Firefox, Webkit, and Opera.

Thank you!


Based on a suggestion from Kyle Sevenoaks, one approach is to add an image element inside the DIV.

<img src="url">

This method eliminates the need for the Background property and any additional styling.

Answer №1

CSS alone won't work for this situation, as the div adjusts its size based on its contents. The background image is purely a decorative element.

To achieve the desired effect, it's recommended to use Javascript to calculate and apply the height and width values dynamically via inline styles :)

Alternatively, you can insert an <img> tag inside the .logo div to achieve the desired look.

Answer №2

Background images cannot be styled with CSS in that way.

Answer №3

Using only CSS to achieve this is not feasible. JavaScript may be the way to go. Are you certain that the dynamic aspect is necessary? It might be simpler to just update a couple of values in the stylesheet whenever the logo changes.

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