Adjust the appearance of a glyphicon by modifying its color according to various criteria

Using angularjs, I implemented ng-repeat to display details in a table. In the final column, I aim to display the glyphicon 'glyphicon glyphicon-stop' in a specific color.

<tr ng-repeat="ps in $ctrl.personLst">
<td>{{ ps.birthday | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy'}}</td>
<td>{{ ps.age }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ ps.continent }}</td>
<td> //TODO <td>

.color-green {
  color: green;

.color-blue {
  color: yellow;

.color-red {
  color: red;
  • RED
    • Age over 30, Country 'GER', and Continent 1
  • BLUE
    • Age under 30, Country 'RS', and Continent 1
    • Age under 10, Country 'TS', and Continent 3

Is it possible to achieve this? Here is my latest attempt:

<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop" ng-class="{'color-red': ps.age > 30 && === 'GER' && ps.continent === 1}" ></span></td>

Answer №1

To organize this logic more effectively, you can create a separate function within the controller:

   if (person.age > 30 && === 'USA' && person.continent === 2){
     return 'color-blue';

Then in the HTML view, you would use:

<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart" ng-class="setClass(person)" ></span></td>

Answer №2

Don't forget to add a closing } at the end of your ng-class attribute. It should look like this:

ng-class="{'highlighted': item.isActive }

For further details, check out:

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