Align text to the left of a button with Bootstrap 4

Currently, I have two buttons stacked on top of each other. I'm attempting to include some text to the left of the bottom button, but I am encountering two obstacles:

  • The first issue is that it creates a white round-ish shape around my top button when I add the text
  • The second obstacle is that I'm struggling to find an elegant solution to position the text to the left of the button. I have considered using flexbox, but cannot determine the best approach.

Below is my current code snippet for reference:

Here is the desired outcome: here


Answer №1

To achieve a layout where elements are displayed side by side, you can utilize flexbox. By using the property "display:flex", you can make everything align next to each other. For more detailed information on flexbox, check out this resource ( It can be quite handy!

Check out the solution below:

<div style="display:flex">
   <span>some text</span>

You can also view the solution on codepen:

Answer №2

@SofiaChaves you are correct, however, in order to reach the desired outcome of OP, you must utilize another attribute of flexbox

.blockElement {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row-reverse;
    align-items: baseline;

Check out the Codepen example here:

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