The header appears distorted on older versions of Internet Explorer, specifically IE 7 and IE

The website I am currently working on looks great in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari on both Mac and Windows. However, it is not displaying correctly in IE 7 & 8. The header should appear like this:

But in Internet Explorer, it's showing up like this:

Prior to this issue, we had used position: relative; for our class container in the charity.css file. Unfortunately, I had to remove it because it was causing problems with my drop-down menus in IE.

I would really appreciate any help from someone who can assist me with this problem. I'm out of ideas at this point :(

Here is the [page] (although I may need to remove the link later). Your assistance will be greatly valued!

Edited: I have also created a jsfiddle here: It's not an exact replica of the page, but hopefully, it will give you an understanding of the issue.

Answer №1

One way to address this issue is by making a slight adjustment that could result in a noticeable change in your code structure.

It appears that the problem lies with elements floated left or right not being cleared properly, particularly in older versions of Internet Explorer. To prevent unexpected float behavior, it is recommended to define specific classes in CSS like so:

.fl { float: left; }
.fr { float: right; }
.clr { clear: both; }

Then include these classes accordingly in your HTML markup:

  <div class="fl"></div> 
  <div class="fl"></div> 
  <div class="clr"></div><!-- Use this element to prevent undesired float propogation -->

This method ensures consistent positioning of floated elements across different browsers.

If modifying the existing markup is not feasible, another option is to add empty elements as the last sibling of floated elements with a style of clear: both;. For instance, for the ul#secondNav element, you can try the following approach:

<ul id="secondNav">
  <li class="stuff"></li>
  <li class="stuff"></li>
  <li class="stuff"></li>
  <li style="clear: both;"><!-- Empty element --></li>

Answer №2

It turns out the solution was actually quite simple. I had been overcomplicating things.

One thing I didn't realize was that in Internet Explorer, the z-index cannot exceed the containing element's z-index value.

I revisited the original file and kept the

.container{width:940px; margin:0 auto; position: relative;}
as it was. Then, I added z-index values for #header{.....; z-index:1; } and #mainNav{...; z-index:2;}. This resolved issues related to...

  • hidden drop-down menus
  • misaligned header

You can find the modified code here:

I hope this explanation proves helpful to someone :) And a big thank you to everyone who took the time to read my post and offer assistance.

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