Adjust content within panel-body using Bootstrap's dynamic features

I'm currently working on a website project that involves using HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap. I am still in the process of learning and exploring these technologies, and despite my efforts to find an answer, I have come up empty-handed.

So, here's my simple question: Is it feasible to change the content of a bootstrap panel-body by clicking a button using JavaScript or any other method?

The default setup has the panel-body displaying a form for input. Below that is another panel-body showing a table of submitted forms with buttons to view more details. When I click one of those buttons, I want to replace the form in the first panel-body with a table containing the additional information.

Answer №1

Absolutely, it is possible to achieve that functionality by utilizing JavaScript to manipulate the display options such as showing or hiding content and extracting values from a form to populate a table dynamically.

If you could provide us with the relevant code, we would be more than happy to assist you further.

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