Creating a Timeless Banner with the Magic of `background:url()`

I have a banner placed within a div tag that displays my banner image. I am trying to create a fading effect when transitioning to the next image, but I am struggling to achieve this. I attempted to use jQuery fadeIn(), however, it did not work as expected.

The reason for using the background: url() property is to ensure that the banner image resizes smoothly when the browser window is resized. I am uncertain if this is the most effective approach to solve my issue.

EDIT - Although my current code successfully swaps the images in the banner, it does not implement the desired fadeIn() effect. There are no errors reported in the console.


header div#banner {
    background: url(../image/banner/00.jpg) no-repeat center;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;
    height: 300px;


var bannerImages = new Array();
var bannerCounter = 0;

function run() {

function loadBannerImages() {
    var filePath = "image/banner/";
    bannerImages[0] = filePath + "00.jpg";
    bannerImages[1] = filePath + "01.jpg";
    bannerImages[2] = filePath + "02.jpg";
    bannerImages[3] = filePath + "03.jpg";
    bannerImages[4] = filePath + "04.jpg";

function runBannerTimer() {
    var t=setTimeout("swapBannerImage()",2000);

function swapBannerImage() {
    $('#banner').fadeIn(1000, function() {
        $('#banner').css('background', 'url(' + bannerImages[bannerCounter] + ') no-repeat center');

    if (bannerCounter >= bannerImages.length) {
        bannerCounter = 0;


Answer №1

Looks like your setTimeout function needs a little tweaking; give this code a try instead:

function startBannerTimer() {
    var timer=setTimeout(function(){


Check out the revised Banner Rotation function below:

function changeBannerImage() {
    $('#banner').fadeOut('slow', function(){
        $('#banner').css('background', 'url(' + bannerImages[bannerCounter] + ') no-repeat center').fadeIn('slow');


    if (bannerCounter >= bannerImages.length) {
        bannerCounter = 0;


Demo with Updates Here

Answer №2

If you want to achieve a fading effect for multiple images, consider using separate divs for each image and transitioning them in and out. These divs can still utilize the css background property as desired, but they must be positioned absolutely to overlap one another. In order to ensure that the absolute divs resize proportionally with the parent container and maintain a "pleasant" resizing effect, you should structure the css in the following manner:

header div#banner {
    ... /* include your background styling here */
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    height: 300px;

Be sure to specify both left and right properties to occupy the full width of the parent container. Additionally, confirm that the parent container has a value of position:relative.

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