Tips for utilizing the onload attribute alongside the ng-controller directive to run a function that has been established within the controller

When trying to call the submit() function as soon as the page loads, I keep encountering a submit() method not found error. The positioning of ng-controller and onload is confusing to me.

If there is an alternate method in Angular to achieve this, please provide some guidance.

PS: This is a snippet of code with all variables defined.

<body ng-controller="DashboardDisplay" onload="submit()">
    <div class="container-fluid" >


var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('DashboardDisplay', ['$scope','$http',function($scope,$http) {

    $scope.submit = function(){
        var jsonOb = {"A":"B"};
        success(function(response) {
            console.log('got it' + response);
        error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        console.log('nufin' + status);

Answer №1

Replace onload with ng-init in the following code snippet:

<body ng-controller="DashboardDisplay" ng-init="submit()">

Also, eliminate 'scope' before 'arr' in the HTML code from {{scope.arr}} to {{arr}}

To see a working DEMO, click on this link:

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