Adding -moz & -o prefixes to code that only has -webkit tags can be done by manually duplicating each line of

Imagine having a webpage located at this link:

After saving the page and running the HTML file on my localhost, everything seems to work smoothly in Chrome due to the presence of -webkit prefixes in the CSS. Now the question arises - how can I ensure that it runs just as well on Firefox and Opera? One solution is manually adding -moz and -o prefixes to the existing CSS code that already has -webkit.

Is there an easier way to achieve this, rather than tediously inserting these prefixes one by one? Perhaps creating a script to automatically modify the file and add the necessary tags could be a viable option. Are there any other methods worth exploring?

Important Note: My main focus is not on whether -moz or -o browsers currently support the CSS3 transforms present in -webkit. I simply seek guidance on duplicating the -webkit lines while incorporating -moz and -o vendor prefixes to ensure compatibility across different browsers.

Answer №1

Perhaps using the vendor prefix JS could be beneficial by visiting this link

Answer №2

Instead of having just one, you actually have numerous options to choose from.

I am a fan of multi-choice selection

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