How to retrieve the width of an unspecified element using JavaScript

Seeking help with a div element that adjusts its size based on the elements it contains. How can I determine the final size of this dynamic div without checking the sizes of its internal elements?

I've attempted to parse all the properties of the object, but everything returned as "undefined."

Any suggestions or thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thank you


This is my code snippet:

<div id="xxx" style="position:relative;">  

I tried accessing the width property using:

var a =;

Unfortunately, this method did not work for me.

I also attempted to display all properties by running:

var getKeys = function (obj) {  
    var keys = [];

    for(var key in obj){  

    return keys;  


However, none of the properties contained any useful information.

The jQuery solution would have worked perfectly, but I'm unable to use it in this scenario. Instead, I discovered that getComputedStyle was the resolution I needed.

Apologies for the lack of details initially provided.

Answer №1

Without any prior knowledge of the task at hand, my recommendation is to utilize the window.getComputedStyle() method to retrieve the computed style properties of an object as displayed by the browser:

var elem = document.getElementById('elemId'),
    properties = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null),
    height = properties.height,
    width = properties.width;

If jQuery is accessible, you can simply use the width() and height() (or outerWidth()/outerHeight()) methods:

var height = $('#elem').height(),
    width = $('#elem').width();

Answer №2

Your post lacks specific details. To provide better assistance, please update your post with the code you attempted to use.

For instance, utilizing jQuery:

$(DOMElement).width()           //-- Retrieves the width of an element.
$(DOMElement).innerWidth()      //-- Retrieves the inner width of an element (including padding).
$(DOMElement).outerWidth()      //-- Retrieves the outer width of an element (including padding and border).
$(DOMElement).outerWidth(true)  //-- Retrieves the full outer width of an element (including padding, border, and margin).

Answer №3

Using the jQuery method $('div').width() will give you the dimension of the selected div element's width.</p>
<exanswer3><div class="answer" i="12518208" l="3.0" c="1348149619" m="1348164293" a="anRoZW1hbg==" ai="1187483" e="QmF6" ei="1449199">
returns the width...

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