Adding Exciting Background Images and Text with CSS

I am looking to enhance my website by incorporating text in the foreground and background images on my webpages for SEO purposes. Can anyone recommend the most effective HTML/CSS approach to achieve this?

Currently, I am facing compatibility issues with IE8 while Firefox is rendering correctly:

(Check out this link in both IE8 and Firefox)

Answer №1

It appears that you are incorporating a background into your content, which may not be the best practice. I recommend reserving backgrounds for layouts and avoiding them within the actual content.

Incorporating image tags can improve SEO rankings due to the presence of an "alt" tag, and additionally makes it easier for individuals to locate images through online searches.

Answer №2

Upon reviewing your provided sample page, it appears that there are no background images present. Simply incorporating a background image into your body tag using CSS can be achieved with the following code snippet:

body {background-image:url('background.gif');}

Answer №3

Prior to delving into the background issue, I recommend focusing on getting your website to validate first. There are a few minor issues that could be causing rendering problems in IE/Opera, such as placing <style> within a <td>. Once your site is validated, troubleshooting will become much simpler, especially for the particular problem you're encountering.

Additionally, achieving validation can lead to improved SEO for your site. To learn more about the importance of validation and SEO, check out this article: SEO & Importance of Valid Source Code

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