Adding a slight 1px right margin between an HTML table and its enclosing div in Bootstrap 3

Help! I'm trying to troubleshoot some HTML issues and can't figure out where this pesky 1px gap between my table and the wrapping div is coming from...

  • Just for reference, I am using Bootstrap.

I suspect that it could be a glitch in the Bootstrap engine causing this annoyance.

Check out these screenshots (with zoomed area) and corresponding CSS. Please note that the gap is specifically between <table class="table"> and <div class="panel-body">, not within the table itself.

(I've added a red border to highlight the white 1px gap)

Below are the computed styles for both the wrapping div "panel-body" and the table. Since Bootstrap is responsive, the sizes are dynamically calculated.

Answer №1

It appears that there is a display problem in Chrome. To illustrate, here is the Bootstrap 3 panel with table example page as shown in Chrome:

Now, compare this same example in the latest version of FireFox, where the gap is not present:

Interestingly, this issue seems to be recognized by the Bootstrap team as well:

This problem has also been reported on the Chrome bug tracker:

Answer №2

To fix the problem, I adjusted the CSS for the parent div element of the table by setting its width to 100.1%.

Here's an example:

<div class="col-md-7">
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table class="table>

Based on this HTML structure, I created the following CSS rules:

    width: 100.1%;
    width: 100%;

While I can't guarantee that this solution will work for everyone, it may be beneficial to someone facing a similar issue.

NOTE: The code was developed using Bootstrap 3.3. Adding an extra .1% width didn't have a noticeable impact on the appearance of the HTML page.

Answer №3

@Nizam I have found that adjusting the percentage of the table-wrapper by +0.1% does not completely resolve the issue, as it can still occur depending on the screen or table size. This can be easily tested by resizing the chrome window.

What I have observed is that making the table wrapper full-width or using a fixed width can prevent the 1px bug from happening. While this may not be the perfect solution, I have not come across a better workaround in my search through Bootstrap git and Chrome bug report comments.

Edit: In my case, I was able to solve the problem by setting a fixed size for the container at higher resolutions, overriding the previously used col-lg-8 CSS class.


<div class="col-lg-f1 col-xs-12">
    <div class="panel panel-primary">
        <div class="panel-heading">
        <table id="city_table" name="test_table" class="table table-hover" >


@media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .col-lg-f1 {
        width: 900px;

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