Add a JSON file containing an image path as a value into a CSS background property

I currently have a MongoDB database containing documents with 'img' values structured as follows:

"img": "../folder/img.jpg"

Would it be feasible to utilize this string in my CSS for modifying the background image? This is essential because I need the image to dynamically change along with other attributes specified in the JSON document.

Answer №1

If you're wondering how to set a background image in HTML after retrieving the image string from MongoDB:

If you're unable to dynamically generate your CSS, you can directly apply the background image to your HTML element like this during the page building process:

<!-- Element that requires a dynamic background image, such as a div -->
<div style="background-image: url('../folder/img.jpg');">

If you're able to dynamically generate your CSS file or style tag, then you can achieve it like this


   background-image: url('../folder/img.jpg');


<div id="myelement">

Answer №2

Set up a route to deliver dynamic CSS:

Implement logic to generate your CSS based on MongoDB data:

function mycss(req, res) {
       where: {
          var cssContent = ' #myimg {background-image: url('+singleDoc.img+'); }';

          return res.end(cssContent);

This is an example of a controller action using Node.js / Express.

In the head section of your HTML, you can include something like this:

   <link type="text/css" src="" />

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