Surprising results when a class is applied using jQuery

Exploring the differences between two fiddles (make sure to run the code on the jsfiddle pages to see the differences clearly).

First Fiddle

Simple demonstration:


Accompanied by this css:

.noScroll {
    background-color: pink;
    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    top: 200px;

In this example, a class is added to the body element, altering its appearance and behavior. The class is then removed, returning the body to its default state. Everything works as expected.

Second Fiddle

    "background-color" : "pink",
    "position"  : "fixed",
    "width"     : "100%",
    "top"       : "200px"

This time, there is no accompanying CSS as it is added through jQuery. Despite similarities to the first example, the CSS is applied but not properly removed. What could be causing this issue?

Thank you!

Answer №1

When the css() function is called on the noScroll selector for the second fiddle, it applies the styles directly to the element with the class noScroll. However, these styles are not saved in a named CSS style.

Essentially, the code is working as intended. It adds the noScroll class, but no specific styles are associated with that class in the CSS. Additionally, when the class is removed, the styles from the css() function call remain because they were applied inline.

For a visual demonstration, you can check out this fiddle where the inline style is manually removed at the end.

Answer №2

Inline styles and CSS classes are distinct ideas. Including or excluding one does not include or exclude the other. Inline styles solely take precedence over styles assigned via classes.

The identifier used to locate the element for applying inline styles is not retained. As a result, jQuery/the browser cannot identify which inline properties to eliminate when the class is removed.

Answer №3

In the second example, you have utilized inline CSS. This can be compared to the following:

<section style="background-color:blue; position:relative; width:50%; bottom:100px;">

...instead of what you initially had in your first example:

<section class="scrollableContent">

As you can see, the removeClass() function is responsible for removing the original class.

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