Acquiring the applicable CSS for a JavaFX 8 widget

While working on JavaFX styling with CSS, I encountered a challenge in understanding which CSS properties are directly affecting the appearance of a GUI widget. It reminded me of using Firefox web developer tools to inspect elements and view the specific selectors and styles applied. Even though a central css style (like Modena) is applied, the getStyle() method returned an empty String for any Node.

This brings up the question of how to identify the applicable properties for styling a particular element, such as a .table-cell or a .table-row-cell, including those inherited from parent elements like a .table-view.

For instance, when trying to control cell font:
Is there a way to style an independent TableView column?
Although helpful, managing multiple cascading properties across code snippets and CSS files can become overwhelming. How can one efficiently navigate through this complex situation?

NOTE: This isn't just a generic inquiry. It's about finding a comprehensive way to access all relevant properties for any GUI element, including inherited, central CSS file-based, local application CSS file-based, programmatically set, and unassigned properties.

COMMENT: Currently, I find myself sifting through various StackOverflow articles for each GUI element to address specific CSS property needs. This process seems counterintuitive for CSS customization. Perhaps organizing presentation code within classes and utilizing Java code for styling might be more efficient?

Answer №1

I successfully discovered the solution

To view both Java code controlled properties and CSS controlled elements in a dynamic setting, similar to Firefox's web development tools, check out a useful tool called
Scenic View.
You can access it here:

If you need assistance with using the tool, refer to their help section:

For more information on JavaFX CSS, consult the reference guide:

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