Achieving the perfect background image size using Tailwindcss

Looking for a way to use an image with a height of 300px and a width of 1600px as a background in a div element?

Although the div element's height can be extended beyond 300px, it results in an empty space at the top while covering the width.

The desired outcome is for the background image to perfectly cover the entire div in both height and width.

Here's the issue illustrated with a div height of 450px:

Utilizing tailwindcss and next.js

<div className="bg-[url('/image.jpg')] w-full h-[250px] bg-center-bottom bg-no-repeat bg-cover mb-8 md:bg-cover md:h-[350px]">

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion to try, however, it is essentially the same solution as the one before and the use of (md:bg-cover) breakpoints may be unnecessary.

<script src=""></script>
<div class="bg-[url('')] w-full h-[250px] bg-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat mb-8 md:h-[350px]"></div>

Answer №2

Explore Utilize bg-cover class to expand the background image to completely cover the background layer.

<div class="bg-cover bg-center ..." style="background-image: url(...)"></div>

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