Change the CSS element if the current URL is not or

When I apply the following JS code snippets, my output is incorrect or does not display at all. Below are the codes in question:

if (location.href != "" || "")

Alternatively with != and !==

if (location.href != "" || location.href != "")

This is how I am integrating it with other code (simplified)

var element = document.getElementbyId('idElement');

if (location.href != "")
if (location.href != "")
if (location.href != "" || "")

Nothing changes or the element malfunctions on different pages. What could be the issue?

Additional Information: I am designing a Tumblr theme where certain posts will have different characteristics when viewed on various pages. The code needs to be placed at the top.

A Suggested Solution That Worked:

window.onload = function ()

 var element = document.getElementbyId('idElement');

 if (location.href != "" && location.href != "") 
  if (location.href == "") 
  if (location.href == "") 


Answer №1

Aside from the obvious syntax error (such as forgetting to close a quotation mark after, there are some steps you can take to refine this further.

One suggestion is to store location.href in a variable and convert it to lowercase to ensure accurate comparison:

var currentLocation = location.href.toLowerCase();

The logic in your code is somewhat convoluted... first checking for page1, then page2, and finally defaulting to no color if neither match. This final step may be causing the issue along with the syntax errors. Keep in mind that when evaluating the line:

if (location.href != "" || "

You are essentially saying "if location.href is not equal to page1 OR if '' string exists."

To properly check both conditions, consider revising to:

if (location.href != "" && location.href != "")

Update your script with something like the following:

var element = document.getElementById('idElement');
var currentLocation = location.href.toLowerCase();

// Store color value in a variable
var backgroundColor = "none"; 

if (currentLocation != "") {
    backgroundColor = 'blue';
if (currentLocation != "") {
    backgroundColor = 'green';
// Update condition to include both pages
if (currentLocation != "" && currentLocation != "") {
    backgroundColor = 'none';
} = backgroundColor;

Answer №2

Make sure to close your if statements properly.

Instead of writing it like this:

if (location.href != "" || "

You should write it like this:

if (location.href != "" || "")

Also, instead of this:

if (location.href != "" || location.href != "

It should be written like this:

if (location.href != "" || location.href != "")

If the issue persists, consider adding this at the beginning of your function.


Check what the value of location.href actually is.


Rather than this:

(location.href != "" || "")

Change it to look like this:

(location.href != "" || location.href != "")

We're making progress!

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