A Spring application deploying a WAR file encounters a 404 error when attempting to access the

Working on a Java EE application using Spring and Maven, the project structure follows the typical hierarchy. Here is a glimpse of it:


To include the CSS file in the JSP, the following tag is used:

<c:url var="styleSheetUrl" value="/styles/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${styleSheetUrl}">

Upon deployment, the CSS file is not found. The href in the page source points to /MyApplication/styles/main.css, despite the existence of /styles/main.css within the WAR file. Trying to access the CSS file directly in the browser results in a 404 error.

The issue was traced back to the Dispatcher Servlet mapping:

    <servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>

It seems that the Dispatcher Servlet may not know how to handle the CSS request. What would be the ideal solution for this problem without having to modify all the request mappings?

Answer №1

If you want Spring to handle static resources such as CSS, JS, and images separately from servlet requests in your application, you'll need to configure it accordingly. One way to achieve this is by mapping requests to static files to a top-level directory, like "static," in your Spring configuration:

<!-- Configure location for static resources (css, js, images) -->
<mvc:resources mapping="/static/**" location="/" />

After configuring this, update your JSP files to reference static files using the path /static/styles/main.css.

It's worth noting that it's a common practice to name your "styles" directory as "css" for better convention.

Answer №2

To integrate CSS files in your web application, you can follow these steps:


After adding the mappings in web.xml, you can include your CSS using the following code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">

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